Intersection Proves To Be Dangerous For SUV In Truck Accident

August 15, 2014||

Intersection Proves To Be Dangerous For SUV In Truck Accident

On behalf of Lovett Law Firm posted in Truck Accidents on Friday, August 15, 2014.

If you’ve been hurt in a truck accident, you know that your life can be hindered while you try to get a new vehicle, pay medical bills, and go through a time of recovery. Compensation to help you through such a time is the least you should expect. The man in this situation may want to seek compensation, too, since he was injured in a sudden truck accident.

A crash that took place when an SUV and semi-truck collided left several people injured. The crash took place at the intersection of David Highway and Divine Highway at around 2:50 p.m, when a truck driver pulled into an intersection when it wasn’t clear.

This accident involved a woman from El Paso, Texas, who was driving a westbound truck through the area. She allegedly failed to see a vehicle that was headed through the intersection and caused the accident by hitting the vehicle on its side. The police did not indicate if she was familiar with the area or not. They have said, though, that alcohol wasn’t a factor in the crash.

The woman’s truck hit the side of a 20-year-old man’s vehicle as he drove through the intersection. The man, from Lyons, Michigan, had to be transported to Sparrow Hospital in Lansing and treated for injuries he suffered. His injuries were not expected to be life threatening.

The truck driver had a passenger in her vehicle, and both she and the passenger had to be taken to the hospital and treated for their injuries. All three people are expected to survive the incident, although their conditions have not been released to the news.

Source: Ionia Sentinel Standard, “Afternoon crash sends 3 to hospital” Jul. 28, 2014


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