Child Custody And Visitation

At Lovett Law Firm, our Family Law Division understands how physically and emotionally draining child custody disputes can be, which is why we are dedicated to helping families work together to settle these disputes in the most beneficial way possible.

With every case, we always try to resolve child custody matters amicably ― especially for the well-being of the children ― but when this is not possible, child custody lawyer Nora Artalejo Lovett will not hesitate to fight for you and your children in court. No matter what, you can count on us to do everything in our power to protect your and your child’s best interests.

Contact the Lovett Law Firm in El Paso if you need to speak to a skilled lawyer about a Texas custody dispute or a potential custody change. You can reach us online or call us at 915-356-2222.

Child Custody Laws In Texas

Whether you are going through a divorce or you were never married, you may have many legal questions if you are a parent involved in a custody dispute. Will I be able to get sole custody? Joint custody? What about visitation rights?

Well, the first thing you need to know is that Texas law does not use the terms joint custody or sole custody when dealing with custody disputes. Instead, child custody matters are discussed in terms of conservatorship and possession and access.

Specifically, a conservatorship can be broken down into two categories: managing conservatorship and possessory conservatorship. When a court names a parent as a managing conservator, it means he or she has the right to make important decisions regarding the child, including decisions related to medical care, religion, and education. Conversely, possessory conservatorship refers to a parent’s right to possession and access to the child.

A Texas court can allow both parents to serve as joint managing conservators or, alternatively, order one parent to be the sole managing conservator. Although, Texas courts generally assume they should appoint both parents as joint managing conservators, unless, of course, such an arrangement would pose a risk to the child or if there is evidence of family violence. Ultimately, however, the primary consideration in any custody dispute involving conservatorship or possession and access is the best interest of the child.

Given the complexity of child custody and visitation laws in Texas, you need an experienced lawyer in your corner if you find yourself involved in a custody dispute or need to modify/enforce an existing custody order. Quite simply, you need the Lovett Law Firm.

If you are involved in an unexpected or particularly difficult divorce or family law dispute, contact our Family Law Division in El Paso today to schedule a consultation with a caring and skilled lawyer.

(915) 356-2222